Understanding BIM Content

Many manufacturers make the classic error of trying to replicate their products exactly. This is a big mistake. It is also erroneous to think that one version of your content will suffice. The first thing that you need to understand is: different professionals will want to use your content in different ways.

Many professionals speak about BIM Content in terms of LOD (level of detail, or, level of development), and try to define it with numbers: such as, LOD100, LOD200, LOD300, and so on. At RubySketch, we have tried to simplify this by breaking down the way content is used into two distinct categories. The first is what we call ‘BIM Content’, and the second is what we call ‘Render Content’.

BIM Content

BIM Content is a low polygon (simplified geometry) replica of manufacturer content. This kind of content needs to be light, and to not slow down the user’s software.The most important aspect of this content type, is that it carries the information of the product. The model still accurately represents the product’s measurements (height, width, length), but it is not overly concerned about how good the model looks. Imagine BIM content as a person who has just got out of bed: everything that makes up that person (all of their information) is there, but they are definitely not prepared for a photoshoot!

Render Content

Render Content is a high polygon replica of manufacturer content. It is an exact replica of the product. Imagine Render Content as a person who has been properly dressed, prepped and pampered for a photoshoot. The main concern is the appearance of the model, and less emphasis is placed on the Information. This kind of content can significantly slow down the user’s software, and it is normally used for high quality renders.

Who uses BIM Content, and who uses Render Content?

There is no easy answer to this question. Typically, Architects are more interested in BIM Content. However, they still require the content to look good. This is why at RubySketch, we stress that BIM Content needs to meet a minimum aesthetic, and  its geometry cannot be too oversimplified. The most important thing for the Architect is that they can use and access the products and the product/manufacturer information, without slowing down their software. Conversely, Interior Architects/Designers are more concerned with Render Content. They are often detailing smaller models or scenes, so it does not matter if the content is high polygon (heavy) – and they simply want the content to look as close to the real product as possible.

Which Software should you make BIM content for?

Your BIM content solution should not be software specific, BIM specific, or Render specific. We need to consider your company and your products before we can provide you with sound advice.

The RubySketch team is made up of industry professionals (architects, builders, engineers), which is why we understand what your users want, and how they want to use your content. We are your customers, and we keep up to date with all of the current BIM workflows and professional trends.

For a small consultancy fee, you can meet with one of our team members and discuss the best BIM content solution for your company. From this, you will receive a report, which will outline our advice, as well as all associated costs for implementation.

Get it right the first time, and get in touch with RubySketch.

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