Podcast Episode 4 – Featuring Drew Pasek

Architects are from Mars Builders are from Venus

Next Level Communication: Why Clients, Contractors & Reps are falling in love with Synergy Design

May 29, 2018

Drew Pasek (Architect)

Drew Pasek is an award winning and licensed architect in the states of California and Colorado and is the Managing Director of Synergy Design Development. He believes that each project should be approached with thoughtful evaluation and precise execution. Drew creates the designs, generates the drawings, holds discussions with all engineers and contractors, and provides his clients with a complete vision and pathway to implementing their residential dreams.

Main Quotes or Takeaways

* I’ve used most CAD software, such as AutoCAD, Revit and others. When I started my own company I wanted to re-evaluate how the workflow occurs from start to finish and how to streamline things.

* When I first started with PlusSpec I found it challenging, but I gave myself about 3 months to see if it was the correct path to go down. By the time I got to the end, I thought this was so slick, I wish I had known about it before. It gave me the opportunity to streamline the BIM information, with the same powers that I saw in Revit. But it was so much easier to get into and manipulate.

* What PlusSpec allows you to produce blows your mind. I was recently sitting in a bar with a Contractor buddy of mine and told him that with PlusSpec I’m able to quickly provide a concept design and a BOM. His jaw dropped to the floor, because it would save him tens of hours trying to go through the weeds just to get a ballpark price. By having this type of communication with the Contractor (and making their job easy), my clients and I know out of the starting block if we are going in the right direction with their project. This means that I am being as efficient with my use of time as possible.

* Because I walk my clients through the 3D model they understand everything right away. And because of the efficiency of PlusSpec, it is really quick and easy to revise the design and then explain what the changes mean and how they may impact their project, as well as the budget.

* It’s been super helpful to be able to not have to go to a lot of effort to facilitate a really high level of communication. I’m getting quotes back from Reps in less than a day. That’s amazing because we are in such a boom right now and I’d normally expect at least a 1 week turnaround. I think that this level of communication is rewarded because their time is reduced in having to try and hunt around and figure out what’s what. With a 3D model, they just get it right away.

* I recently shared my PlusSpec model with a structural engineer so they could to see all of the structure in 3D and essentially get inside my head. Even though they don’t use PlusSpec or SketchUp, they were able to easily open it with SketchUp Make and navigate my structural scenes. Their response was “Man, we’re going to love working with you if this is the way you work all the time, because you are making life so much easier for us!”.

* The graphic level and educational aspect of PlusSpec is so great that I wish that I had it when I was just starting out. It gives you the basic language of how things should be assembled and from that point you can then take that next step beyond and get into details and own them.

There are two kinds of customers: the budget driven client and the younger Tech-minded client. The benefits of a Virtual Design & Construction 3D model appeal to both. The sales pitch is a little bit different for each of them. But, both types of clients are usually much more prone to wanting to use me because I give them more and they can also better understand what they’re paying for. I’m communicating at a different level to my peers.

My clients are enjoying the process so much that one recently said “I don’t want my project to be over.” I think it’s due to the level of communication and the ability to eliminate a lot of the grey space for everybody.

Guest Speaker Promo

Company: Synergy Design Development LLC

Website: www.synergydesdev.com

Follow on Houzz: https://www.houzz.com/pro/dhpasek/synergy-design-development