Building design and planning is undergoing a review in NSW. You may like to read pages 186 through to 189 if you are a building designer. There are clear benefits of being part of a reputable association such as the Building Designers Association Australia.
For more information on the Building designers Association Australia see.
Draft Review of the Building Professionals Act 2005 – 21 August 2015
There are pros and cons in the draft of which many will be evident and should be open for discussion and comment before the review is complete.
BP Act Review draft report recommends significant reforms to certification and building regulation
Dear Stakeholder,
Mr Michael Lambert has produced a draft report as part of his independent statutory review of the Building Professionals Act.
Mr Lambert has inquired into the effectiveness of certification and building regulation in NSW, and concurred with the challenges identified in previous reviews. He has also taken into account valuable feedback he received on the previous discussion paper through surveys, submissions, interviews and face-to-face consultation events.
More than 40 recommendations
Mr Lambert’s draft report recommends the creation and proper resourcing of a single building regulation office, a new ‘Building Act’, and a partnership model between state and local government to help with compliance and enforcement matters.
Mr Lambert would like to see enhanced certifier accountability to act in the public interest, the creation of a best practice certification and building regulation process, an electronic information strategy, and the prioritisation of reforms to fire safety and waterproofing certification.
Draft report now on exhibition – have your say
The Draft Review of the Building Professionals Act 2005 – 21 August 2015 is being exhibited on the Building Professionals Board website for 28 days.
Mr Lambert will consider all submissions as well as the results of an independent cost-benefit analysis of the proposed reform package.
I encourage you to read Mr Lambert’s draft report and send feedback for his consideration before he finalises his report in two months’ time.
Submissions and comments may be sent by:
- email to
- post to the BP Act Review, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Submissions close at 5 pm on 21 September 2015. All submissions will be published online.
More information
More information about the review can be found on the Board’s website.
Dr Gabrielle Wallace Manager Building Professionals Board |
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