Efficiency creates throughput and job creation. My 2 cents worth.

I find it amazing that many shy away from innovation for fear of it rendering personnel redundant. It is a counterproductive argument. Just imagine if Henry Ford decided not to create motorized vehicles for the fear it would put blacksmiths out of work. History shows blacksmiths became mechanics and the world moved on. Sure there is still work to be done yet the wheels are in motion “pardon the pun.”

can technology put you out of a job

I regularly meet with industry representatives in regards to PlusSpec and every day we innovate to reduce waste and create solutions that will in effect reduce the need for one person in the chain of construction. Does industry make that person redundant? The answer is simply no. For every single innovation at least 2 opportunities arise and the  work force increases and so too does the throughput.  Disruptive technology is far from disruptive, disruptive technology is the catalyst for creation and thinking outside of the box. With more, we do more, when we do more, we produce more. It is inherent that the  wheels of design and construction continue to turn by the implementation of innovation.

Frustration. Ever heard the response?” we have always done it that way and we will continue to do so.”  Do they still harness the horse and connect the buggy?  No. I struggle with the concept of following trends. In saying that I do not go out and frivolously buy technology simply because it is available? No. I do the same simple research on every purchase.

  1. How will it impact my business?
  2. What is the cost?
  3. How long will it take to bring the rest of the company up to speed?
  4. What are the benefits?
  5. What are the drawbacks?

I never make a decision on anything simply because it is not a current trend as it would stifle my business and my ability to improve and compete.

As of today PlusSpec now has over 1500 registered users  and to these people I take my hat off. I am very happy our creation is helping to improve the design and construction industry and I am excited about what is to come. We  all play a critical part in the future of our industry and I look forward to working together to continue to do so.

If you are not moving forward you are going backward