Design Professionals, Engineers and the Construction Industry need to foster strong relationships. However, I know that this is not often the case. I have been observing communication breakdown for the last 25 years, and I am still unable to put my finger on the exact reason why this happens time and again. At first, I […]
Distributor Spotlight Parlez- vous Français? Venez comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles votre logiciel ne se compare pas et, observez par vous-même comment PlusPec pour SketchUp change la facon dont nous concevons, communiquons et construisons. PlusPec est Simple, Puissant, Professionnel et Abordable – et il devient rapidement le plus puissant BIM et Logiciel d’estimation au monde. […]
Traditional 2D construction details are inherently difficult to understand. Why? Because they are not a natural way of viewing the world. Until now, they were simply the only way to represent complex ideas, in a way that could be deciphered. When I first started out in construction I was overwhelmed by 2D plans, let alone […]