Distributor Spotlight Parlez- vous Français? Venez comprendre les raisons pour lesquelles votre logiciel ne se compare pas et, observez par vous-même comment PlusPec pour SketchUp change la facon dont nous concevons, communiquons et construisons. PlusPec est Simple, Puissant, Professionnel et Abordable – et il devient rapidement le plus puissant BIM et Logiciel d’estimation au monde. […]
Traditional 2D construction details are inherently difficult to understand. Why? Because they are not a natural way of viewing the world. Until now, they were simply the only way to represent complex ideas, in a way that could be deciphered. When I first started out in construction I was overwhelmed by 2D plans, let alone […]
It’s not meant to be hard. Disclaimer: No Grandmothers were harmed in the making of this article (as we did not make them try to use any of the mainstream BIM software systems). The word ‘simple’ is often interpreted as meaning something that lacks power or sophistication. In fact, many professionals often equate simplicity with being […]