Apply for a PlusSpec Relief License - PlusSpec

Apply for a PlusSpec Relief License

3 Months of PlusSpec Pro Free 

Please be honest & considerate of our community in need.

Once your application is approved we will reach out to you via email & inform you of the next steps. This offer is only available for a limited time & a maximum of 1000 licenses will be offered.

Stay Safe!
– The Rubysketch Team

What is the PlusSpec Relief License?

Many have been severely impacted by COVID-19, and our hearts go out to these people. Unfortunately, our sympathy alone will have no bearing on helping individuals break through the other side.

All of the staff and management at RubySketch have decided to deliver tangible help to those adversely affected, and we have put a lot of thought into how we as a responsible service provider can take action in the form of a solution.

At RubySketch, we develop technology; this technology has a value to you as a potential employee, right now. We understand that money is tight and purchasing anything at this point is tough. We have decided to give you access to our technology so you can use the time you have now to secure a better position in the future…hopefully not too distant future.

Sitting back now is damaging not only to your mental health and happiness but also to your future employment status and sense of belonging to a community of like-minded, enthusiastic individuals.

So what can we do to help? Firstly we realize that you have time. This time could be spent looking back and trying to rationalize the situation or this time could be used learning new things that will enable you to contribute to businesses that are actively working through COVID-19 and businesses who need efficiency that you can deliver. Ultimately we want you to succeed alongside your future employer.

If you have an interest in Architecture, Sales, Construction, Quantity Surveying or you are motivated to try something new; we are here to help.


The design & construction industry is way behind the rest of the world when it comes to technology, it’s a rewarding, well paying career for those who can learn, adopt & assist in the implementation.


What is PlusSpec?

PlusSpec is Virtual Design, Construction & Estimating Software that allows you to Model Buildings in 3D & produce Estimates, 2D Plans & Sales Models. PlusSpec is used by thousands of Builders, Architects, Designers, Estimators & Engineers across 80+ countries.

What is SketchUp?

SketchUp is the 3D Modelling Engine that PlusSpec Turbo-charges (like an add-on if you like). You need SketchUp downloaded on your computer to use PlusSpec.

You can get a Free version of SketchUp (SketchUp 17) Make, by clicking here

Who is eligible? 

Anyone over the age of 18 who has lost their job due to COVID-19 is eligible. It doesn’t matter if you worked in a coffee shop, a gym or as a traffic controller, as long as you have a heartbeat, a computer, a 3 button mouse & the will to learn, you are invited to take part.

What will I Need to Participate?

  1. A Windows or Mac computer- it does not have to be a high spec computer, if you are unsure click here
  2. Internet access (to download PlusSpec)
  3. Sketchup 17 Make (free) – Download here or any other version of SketchUp above SketchUp 17
  4. A 3 button mouse
  5. You must have been retrenched from an active job due to coronavirus

How Can I Learn to Use PlusSpec?

We have hundreds of free, easy to follow tutorials to help you learn how to use PlusSpec, all inbuilt into the software. There’s specific help on each field too!

We additionally be running some exclusive webinars on how to use the software & utilize it to create a virtual resume that has value to all employers in the construction industry (in fact, it will have them tripping over to employ you!).


We have created this license as a way to support those who are struggling in these uncertain times & we kindly ask that you are considerate of our offer.

We reserve the right to issue, not to issue &/or retract a Plusspec Relief license from any user for any reason. The use of the Plusspec Relief License is strictly for non-commercial use & must not be used for commercial purposes without the specific written consent of RubySketch. You will receive a special promo code that is one use only. If your code is shared, lost or stolen you will not be eligible for another.

Unlawful use: we reserve the right to seek damages to individuals who damage the brand, the product/s  or the name of RubySketch or any of its subsidiaries. The PlusSpec Relief License is not transferable & can only be used on the computer it was downloaded onto.

Rubysketch cannot offer specific one-on-one help for users of the PlusSpec Relief License. We cannot provide hardware, a computer, a mouse, an internet connection, data or any other software required to utilize a PlusSpec Relief License. RubySketch cannot be held responsible for any action or loss that comes from downloading Plusspec or visiting the Plusspec or RubySketch websites.

See our full Terms & Conditions here